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An Open Letter From The Founder Of Shas Yiden

Great News for Shas Yiden in the U.S.!
Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784

Erev Rosh Hashannah is upon us and all, without exception, are hoping and praying for a good year. We need it, klal Yisroel needs it, and the world needs it. But like everything else, if we want what is good and to be showered by the brochos from Above, we must be committed to being a part of that change for the better. Boruch Hashem, with your help, Shas Yiden has been playing such an incremental role, year after year.

Maranan Hageonim zt”l – Rav Chaim, Rav Gershon, Rav Aharon Leib, Rav Mechel Yehuda, Rav Shimon (Baadani), Chacham Shalom (Cohen) and so many others – were always lavish in their praise and brochos for Shas Yiden and its supporters. One of the great brochos of Rav Chaim was that another Shas Yiden kollel, and another, and yet another should be opened. Well, our 7th kollel is about to open, and it is opening here in Flatbush, Brooklyn NY! Avreichim metzuyonim have already been selected and tested, and are ‘ready to go’ – immediately after Succos.

They will follow the identical program, regimen and pace as the Shas Yiden geonim in their kollelim in Eretz Yisroel and London. We wish them and their families much brocha and hatzlocha. The additional avreichim, plus another 2 in Shas Yiden London, brings the total Shas Yiden number to 114 avreichim geonim.

We recently received the following letter that confirms the impact of Shas Yiden and its brocho on the Klal, and which I wanted to share with you.

May we all be zoche to bircas Hashem b’ruchnius u’v’gashmi’us and hatzlocha bchol ha’inyonim in this coming year 5784.

Avrohom Eisen
Pozna Rov and Founder of Shas Yiden

To watch the dynamic farheren, or for more information on Shas Yiden, or to donate click on or call 718-702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: UK Registered Charity # 1191225 – 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England or call 0208-066-1566

Special Farheren and Siyumim at Shas Yiden in 5783

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