Agudah Is In It For YOU Everyday, Now Is The One Day They Need You To Be In For THEM.

Although we are in galus, our government does not impose any limitations on the practice of religion.

And yet, even in this land where religious freedom is a constitutional right, our detractors are constantly trying to compromise our ability to live as Torah-true Jews. This became apparent this past year, when the New York Times launched a series of articles highlighting religious Jews and their lifestyle in the worst possible way. In only three months, twelve articles with anti-Orthodox and anti-Chassidic slants appeared in its pages, stirring waves of bias and contempt against Jews.

With billboards strategically placed in Times Square; an open letter to the Board of the Pulitzer Prize, urging them not to bestow the coveted award on the New York Times; and relentless effort, the Agudah has effected real change in the way Orthodox Jewry is portrayed to the world.

This is only a snapshot of the Agudah’s tireless work on behalf of the klal.

Because we’re all in it together. And together, there is no end to what we can do.

The damage caused by such false reporting is partly evident by the rising number of anti-Semitic hate crimes targeting Jews. In New York City, hate crimes targeting Jews have doubled over the past year.

The power of the pen – and, by extension, the power of journalists – cannot be underestimated. Yet we, too, have an incredible power: the strength of the klal. When Jews unite, Hashem gives them strength to defeat their enemies. This is the strength the Agudah utilized when it launched KnowUs to counteract the Times’ relentless attack against the Jewish people.

On September 11 & 12  let’s come together and support The Agudah.

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