Jerusalem Estates Update from the Team Onsite

In these days of Bein Hametzarim when we mourn the destruction of Yerushalayim, we are gratified to share with you the progress of Jerusalem Estates, which is infusing Yerushalayim with new life.

In the last half year, we signed contracts totaling NIS 250,000,000. Only a limited number of uber-premium, spacious apartments remain for sale in Buildings 6 and 7.

Buildings HaKarkov, HaKad, HaDekel, HaNevel, HaGevia have been inhabited for nearly two years by dozens of happy families, while HaChatzotzrot and HaKinor will be receiving occupancy permits shortly. Work has begun on the building interiors of HaLulav and HaOgen, while construction on HaGefen and HaEshkol is set to be completed in 2 months, and HaRimon and HaEtrog are under construction as well.


We are also nearing the completion of another phase of the Bronze Guest Suites, for guests looking to experience the highest level of luxury in the center of the city. In addition, an extension is currently underway at the exclusive Cardo shopping complex. Finally, construction has begun on the complex’s amenities, located near Buildings 6 and 7, and we’ll soon be able to see the vision come to life: The Livnat HaSapir Shul, the Ruby Wine Cellar, the Topaz Lounge, the Emerald Event Hall, the Aquamarine Men’s Mikvah and the Opal and Jasper Men’s and Women’s Gyms.


We’re pleased to keep receiving the most incredible feedback from our discerning clients, who know to appreciate the unprecedented fusion of authentic history and luxurious residential living in the heart of Yerushalayim. If you would like the rewarding experience of acquiring everlasting history, contact our sales office at 718-564-6656, or visit







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