Rav Gamliels and Shaar Hashomayim: The Most Auspicious Time For Tikkun

Partner with Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz and Yerushalayim’s true mekubalim! Support Yeshiva Shaar Hashomayim’s Torah scholars, securing blessings for you and loved ones. Empower spiritual giants for exclusive blessings.

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Renowned Rav Gamliel and Yeshiva’s mekubalim stand ready to learn on your behalf. Join prophetic tradition through your impactful donation. Make your mark!

Yeshiva rabbis study Book of Zohar, Arizal, and Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Kabbalah texts, sharing centuries-old secrets. Fuel spiritual corrections and Israel-wide salvations.

Your support aids poor avreichim, ensuring joyful Yomim Tovim. Share names for prayers, fostering eased Parnassah and Torah-embracing children. Blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

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