A Day of Unified Commitment

Whether you live in the tri-state area or not, you probably heard the term: Adirei HaTorah.

Because Adirei HaTorah is a movement that has transformed the image of Bnei Torah in our generation. Throughout the world, people are raising their appreciation and dedication for those who devote their lives to Torah learning.

Because we recognize they’re the ones sustaining us all — and that we’re all one.

קודשא בריך הוא ואורייתא וישראל חד הוא

But, how can we really be a part of it if we’re not in the Bais Medrash?

They’re committed to Torah, so we’re committed to them.

Through worldwide acclaim, Adireinu was established as the daily giving program to directly support our yungeleit and their families. 

By contributing every day $1, you are connecting to greatness and solidifying your commitment to Torah and those who learn it. This is how, no matter where you are, you can be in the Bais Medrash – enabling the Adirei HaTorah to shteig with peace of mind, being part of their learning, and reaping the eternal rewards. 

Adireinu is the greatest initiative of Hachzakas HaTorah in history. 

Enter the new year being a part of it.

Join Adireinu Today. 


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