Gaining a New Appreciation of The Holiest Day of The Year Mastering Maseches Yoma With The Oraysa Amud V’Chazarah Program

Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, thousands of Lomdei Oraysa from around the globe will be celebrating the completion of Maseches Rosh Hashanah with the Oraysa Amud V’Chazara program that has revolutionized the Torah world. 

Mere days before the exalted day of Yom Kippur, the lomdim will begin toiling over Maseches Yoma. Beginning this particular Masechta right before the exalted day that it expounds upon, will surely give them an added layer of appreciation for the holiest day of the Jewish calendar and will uplift their avodas hayom

It is very notable that many of the “original” lomdei Oraysa, who joined the program upon its inception approximately four years ago, are still keeping up with the program, having completed Berachos, Shabbos, Eruvin, Pesachim and now Rosh Hashanah. This is a testament to how “doable” the program is and how it has made the goal of completing and thoroughly knowing entire Masechtos an attainable one.

Participants describe the immense satisfaction and sipuk hanefesh that they receive from the innovative program that calls for studying one Amud a day, 5 days a week, in a thorough manner. Each day, one new Amud is learned and yesterday’s Amud is reviewed, with Friday and Shabbos dedicated to reviewing the 2-and-a-half blatt learnt over the week. With this format, each Amud of Gemara is learned, understood, and mastered. 

Scores of men say that the program has changed their lives and raised the bar of their learning to new heights. Many have joined Oraysa with each new Masechta, with new chaburos and shiurim forming in more and more locations and cities around the globe. 

As one Lomed Oraysa succinctly put it, “Oraysa has literally rejuvenated my learning and granted me a level of enjoyment in a blatt Gemara that I haven’t felt since I was in Yeshiva. I am proud to say that I not only learned several Masechtos and reviewed them several times, I truly feel like I acquired them and know them well.”

In addition to the geshmak of the learning program itself, the many resources offered by Oraysa have shown to be a valuable companion to enhance the learning and bring it to the next level. 

The shiurim available on Oraysa’s website and hotline featuring top-notch Magidei Shiur in English, Yiddish and Hebrew either on p’shat in the Gemara or more in-depth analyses of the sugya has also proven to be a major attraction. Several new Magidei Shiur have been added to the platform in recent months, all of whom add their own unique style catering to the specific style of learning of each lomed. 

The handy Oraysa calendar is a user-friendly tool that many carry around that helps lomdim stay up-to-date and keep track of what they’ve learned and is just one of the many resources offered by Oraysa. 

On a more local level, Oraysa has helped organize shiurim, chaburos and chavrusos in dozens of communities across America, Canada, Eretz Yisroel, Europe and beyond. Lomdei Oraysa know that wherever they find themselves in the world, they are more than likely to find an Oraysa chaburah to join for the day. 

Participants also have the option of taking an optional bi-monthly bechina, which is given every other Sunday on the five  blatt learned over the course of the past two weeks . The Mivchanei Oraysa test has become a valuable tool for testing one’s knowledge and promoting retention, motivating participants to do additional, pre-bechina reviews at the end of each two weeks.

It has become a common sight to see lomdim toting around the extremely popular “Yalkut Oraysa”. This booklet is a masterfully created work of marei mekomos, explanations, daily quizzes and halacha l’ma’aseh which are utilized as important aids to enhance the learning of thousands of avid Lomdei Oraysa. It is now found in batei medrash all over the world and has become an invaluable resource for so many. 

For anyone thinking of joining and becoming part of this massive Torah movement, the start of Masechtas Yoma is a great time to get on board and to benefit from all Oraysa has to offer! For anyone looking to acquire a Masechta and get a daily satisfaction and simcha in learning, Oraysa just may be the program you are looking for! 

To join for Maseches Yoma or for more information to set up or join a shiur or chaburah in your neighborhood, please contact Oraysa at 914.8.ORAYSA or email [email protected].

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