Last Four Days: Partner with Rabbi Shoshan & Scottsdale and WIN $18,000

Ahavas Torah  Scottsdale 360 Summer Raffle -Limited Tickets Sold! 

Buy Your Ticket HERE 👉


Thousands have visited. Hundreds gain every day from the special ruach of Rabbi Ariel Shoshan and Ahavas Torah in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Ahavas Torah  Scottsdale 360 Summer Raffle -Limited Tickets Sold! 

Buy Your Ticket HERE 👉

Ahavas Torah: the Scottsdale Torah Center, under the leadership of Rabbi Ariel Shoshan, Rabbi Noach Muroff, and Rabbi Avraham Aboulafia, is a community dedicated to passionate, authentic, and welcoming Yiddishkeit — serving hundreds of local families and thousands of visitors. Through its exceptional Shabbos and Yom Tov experiences, profound Shiurim and learning opportunities, 1800+ Minyanim, vast Eruv, BRAND NEW Men’s and Women’s Mikvaos, Arizona Chaverim, and countless acts of chesed, Ahavas Torah has distinguished itself as one of America’s most well known shuls. The Summer 360 Raffle is a great way to win and to support Scottsdale’s renowned Bein Hazmanim beis medrash – welcoming over 300 active bnei Torah learning and davening daily.

Ahavas Torah  Scottsdale 360 Summer Raffle -Limited Tickets Sold! 

Buy Your Ticket HERE 👉

Need to buy by phone? Please call 480-467-4593

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