Protecting This Frum Family From Being Broken Apart.”My Ex Is Trying To Pluck My Kids From Their Lives”

A mother’s worst nightmare!

A child’s worst nightmare!

A mother is losing her children to her ex-husband who is extremely abusive and no longer frum. The ex-husband is trying to get full custody of the children and pull them out of the Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov that they are currently in. He built up a strong case on lies and is using many tactics to further his agenda of removing the children from a Frum environment.

The legal fees necessary to save these children is now over $100,000 dollars!

In order for these children to stay in a Frum environment and Frum schools and to stay Shomrei Torah Umitzvos and Shomrei Shabbos, this is the bare minimum needed to give them a chance.

The children are being plucked from their mother in front of her eyes. We yidden should do anything to prevent these children from being taken from their warm, stable home and schools. It is our responsibility not to allow this to happen. If they end up living there, uprooted from their frum environment, they will become mentally disturbed, abused, and it will be impossible for them to stay frum.

A Jewish mother is crying, begging for help! She is crushed, shaken, alone and scared! Fearing for their emotional and physical wellbeing. The kids are screaming with piercing cries! Wanting to stay with their mother. Wanting to stay in a frum environment. No child should ever be ripped away from their mother. Without the money for lawyers, she doesn’t stand a chance of winning this case.

Lets give her a chance.

Do it for her.

Do it for her children.

(Endorsed by Gedolei Yisroel)


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