Tonight! Yahrtzeit of the “Malach Ha-Elokim” of Belz

Reb Aharon Rokeach zt”l  was known as a Malach Ha-Elokim, a Tzaddik Hador who brought wondrous salvation to those in need.

Send your personal request to the tzion of Reb Aharon of Belz zt’’l

Reb Aharon experienced the devastation of the Belz community during the Holocaust. He and his brother, Reb Mordechai of Bilgorai zt’’l, spent most of the war hiding from the Nazis. Eventually, they were taken out of Europe via a series of miraculous escapes.

Under Reb Aharon’s leadership, Belz was reborn after the war.

Reb Aharon’s tzion is the second most visited Kever after Reb Shimon Bar Yochai – hundreds of thousands come to connect to the tzaddik and daven for salvation in his merit.

Here is one of the many stories that exemplify his miraculous ongoing yeshuos.

Less than two years ago, a young man who was a great supporter of Torah began to suffer from headaches. The pain progressed, and within a short time, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor r”l.

Despite the best treatments, the situation deteriorated, and the young man was hospitalized with little hope of returning home once more.

His close friend suggested they visit the tzion of Reb Aharon, which is well known as a source of yeshuos and refuos. They snuck out of the hospital together and visited the tzion. 

The young man cried bitterly when he reached the tzion and poured out his heart through davening and Tehillim. He pledged tzedakah to Reb Aharon’s yeshivas as a merit for a miracle.

 The pair returned to the hospital uplifted with hope.

Several days later, the young man received the good news he had desperately been waiting for. The doctors were astounded. The cancer had suddenly begun to recede, and he was on the way to recovery.

Reb Aharon lost all his children during WWII, and considered the students of his yeshiva as his own children.

He said, “Whoever supports my yeshiva, it is as if he has given to me personally.”

By supporting the tzaddik’s Torah networks of over 16,000 talmidim learning in Eretz Yisroel, Reb Aharon zt’’l will surely beseech on your behalf. 

He would say, “Baruch Hashem, I never stayed owing someone a favor!”

We all need yeshuos. Join Klal Yisroel as we connect to Reb Aharon zt’’l and daven to Hashem for blessings in his merit on this special day, 21 Av, the day of his yahrzeit.

Send your personal kvittel request to the tzion of Reb Aharon of Belz zt’’l via Belz Institutions in Israel 

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