More Money on the Table! New Software Is Changing the Buying Game Forever

Are you tired of chasing deals but only earning slim profits? Of putting too much time and only making a few dollars? 

If you do business with buying groups, you know what we mean. It’s great to earn points, but shouldn’t you be getting more for your time? 

Well, what if we told you that new software cracked the code for regular guys like you to earn bigger rewards? What if you could take home your fair share of the profit? And what if every deal is 100% risk-free, transparent, and guaranteed? 

We get it if you’re skeptical. We were, too. But hear us out because you could be leaving money on the table. 

Understanding buying groups 

To understand how revolutionary the new software is, let’s talk for a minute about how buying groups work. On the surface, they’re a genius idea. Small-business owners or arbitrage sellers access merchandise they’re otherwise locked out of buying. Buyers earn rewards. It’s a simple, quick, profitable, win-win. 

But take a look beneath the surface. Let’s say the buying group offers $355 for an Apple iPad 10. Amazon sells it for $349.99, so you make $5.01 on the purchase besides earning rewards. Cool, right? 

Here’s what the buying group doesn’t tell you: The buying group operator just paid $355 apiece for hundreds of iPads. He now finds a dealer who pays him $400 each. The buying group operator could only access that many iPads through hundreds of buyers like you. But he earns $45, and you only get $5.01! 

That doesn’t sound fair or transparent to us. 

World’s first buying marketplace 

Earlier this year, revolutionary new software hit the scene, marketed under the “Deal & Runner” brand. At first glance, we were impressed with Deal & Runner’s state-of-the-art website. It’s clean, modern, and easy to use. It’s NOT the same interface and software everyone else has.  

But digging deeper, we discovered the real Deal & Runner difference. Like any online marketplace (think Amazon or Ali Express), sellers (now called Dealers) do business directly with buyers (now called Runners) in an open, free-market economy. The profit is shared between the Dealer and the Runner. 

Every deal is transparent from start to finish. That’s a HUGE change for the industry. No more middleman. Instead, the Dealers offer their best deals directly to the Runners. 

Full buyer protection 

“Wait,” you say. “Sounds like an improvement, but it’s still risky. What if the Dealer reneges on the deal? What if he claims he didn’t get the merchandise? What then?” 

“The beauty of our platform is that the buyer is fully protected,” explains Deal & Runner.  

(1) To avoid confusion between buyers and sellers, Deal & Runner does quality control. D&R checks in and inspects every package using video surveillance. A seller can never claim that the goods were damaged or didn’t arrive. 

(2) Deal & Runner guarantees the payouts. Yes, you read that correctly. Payouts are guaranteed. Even if the seller backs out, Deal & Runner has the buyer covered. The more you buy, the more you earn. No tricks. 

The game has changed! 

Industry experts believe this is going to EXPLODE. Lucrative deals are already being posted. This is a perfect moment to jump in ahead of the pack before the competition becomes fierce. You could make much, much more money than other groups offer you. 

Luxury cruise? Hot new car? Whatever’s on your wish list, Deal & Runner may be your golden ticket. Check out the Deal & Runner website here. They make it easy to sign up and start earning.   

“We’re excited to offer new opportunities to Dealers and Runners,” concludes Deal &Runner. “This is a new era for buying and selling.” 

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