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Watch: Rabbi Bochner Asks “Is This Fair??


Every person in Klal Yisroel knows someone struggling with the effects of infertility.

But as much as we think we know, there is so much that we don’t. As much as we know, it is only the tip of the iceberg of what can be said.

There are thousands of couples and individuals facing tens of unique infertility-related situations, fears, and concerns.

​Who do these people turn to? Who can help them with the latest cutting-edge research and breakthroughs and provide financial assistance with sensitivity and care?

The answer lies with Bonei Olam.

With every year, the requests for assistance are doubling. With much Siyata Dishmaya we have been able to keep up with the growing demand, not only for basic IVF treatment but adding many more services across the spectrum, including our Uterine Transplant Program, Kesher Shidduch Network, Oncofertility Cancer Preservation, Cocoon, Secondary Infertility, AAS Andrology Solutions, Tomorrow Singles Cryopreservation Program, and multiple genetic programs.

But we cannot keep going without your assistance. It is Klal Yisroel that fuels the fire of Bonei Olam. You are a part of the miracles we see every day.

The couples who thought they could never have children.

The singles with unique physical, emotional, or genetic limitations.

The older singles who worry for their future and those who face illnesses that threaten fertility.

All of those people turn to Bonei Olam for guidance, support and financial resources.

We must continue to be there for them and need your help to make it happen!

Please click here to help

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