Flatbush Tisha B’Av Program – LIVESTREAM

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The Last Tisha B’Av Program

Rav Shmuel Dishon began his Drasha at last year’s Tisha B’Av Program in Flatbush with a sigh, “I was hoping that last year would be the last time that we would be getting together on Tisha B’Av to mourn the Churban. (The destruction of the Bais HaMikdash). 

The response to Rav Dishon was, “The roots of Tisha B’Av go back to the forty days that the spies sent by Moshe Rabbeinu investigated the Land of Israel. They came back with a report that caused the Jews to cry and question the viability of entering the Holy Land. HaShem responded by decreeing that we, the Jews, would wander in the desert for forty years  — before entering the Land.

Forty years.

Last year was the fortieth year of the Tisha B’Av Program of Flatbush; We had hoped that IT would be the last year that we would be fasting and mourning on Tisha B’Av. Alas, 1953 years later, the Golus continues. 

The Tisha B’Av Program goes on.

We pray that by the time you read this, we will have experienced the final Geulah (Redemption). In the meantime, the world-renowned Tisha B’Av Program is scheduled for Wednesday night, July 26, and all day Thursday, July 27.

The program begins with Maariv at 9:00 PM, Wednesday night at the ground floor of the Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin Elementary School, 911 East 13 Street (Corner Ave, I), Brooklyn NY.

Eicha and Kinnos follow with the noted mechanech, Rav Baruch Rabinowitz, speaking on “Rebuilding with Fire” at 9:45 PM.

The day session begins with Shacharis at 8:00 AM followed by “Kinnos with an introduction and explanation of selected Kinnos” by Rav Ephraim Levine until 1:00 PM.

Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein, Director, Publications/Zechor Yemos Olam, Torah Umesorah, will present: “Emunah (Faith) — The Key to Geulah.”

Mincha follows at 1:45 PM.

The afternoon session features Rav Daniel Glatstein, renowned author and speaker and Rav of Kehillas Tiferes Mordechai, Cedarhurst at 2:15 PM, speaking on “Tisha B’Av: From Time Immemorial until Today.”

Rav Yosef Veiner now of Kehillas Shaar HaShamayim, Monsey, will be returning to Brooklyn at 3:00 PM to speak “Of Cavemen and Shmad: Facing Challenging Golus Conditions,” (can’t wait to hear what this is about).

At 3:45 PM, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff of the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin, Flatbush, will then challenge us with the question, “What about rebuilding yourself?”

The Program continues with Rav Moshe Yosef Scheinerman of Kehilas Kollel Bnei HaYeshivos, Flatbush at 4:30 PM asking, “How Much do we Really Want the Geulah?”   

Rav Akiva Zweig, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva v’Kollel Bais Moshe Chaim, Talmudic University of Florida, will be flying in from Miami Beach to address the intriguing topic “Destruction of Distraction: The Sin of the Spies,” at 5:15 pm.

Those of us who remember his father Rav Yochanan Zweig (may he be well) speaking for us on Tisha B’Av’s past, look forward to hearing his son, Rav Akiva.

Closer to home, Rav Shay Tahan of Beit Hora’ah, Arzei HaLebanon, Flatbush, will stay closer to the text in his “Explanation of the Churban, Based on the Maharal,” at 6:00 pm.

Rav Akiva Stolper, formerly Rabbi of Cong Ohr Chaim, Miami Beach will speak at 6:45 PM on: “Binging Moshiach with Chutzpah.” He, too, follows in the footsteps of his renowned father, Rav Pinchas Stolper z”l who spoke for us on Tisha B’Av years ago.

Rav Dovid Goldwasser, of Khal Bnei Yitzchok, who has been part of the Tisha B’Av Program for decades, will speak as Tisha B’Av is drawing to a close at 7:20 PM, “In the Evening there is Weeping But at Dawn There is Joy.” 

Finally, Rav Fishel Schachter will bring the Program to close as he has been accustomed to at 8:00 PM, “As The Sun Sets: Tisha B’Av 5783.” 

Everyone is encouraged to attend in person (Brov Am Hadras Melech).

Before COVID, before the age of the internet, before Tisha B’Av Drashos became popular, there were years when over 2,000 people packed into Ateres Chynka to hear Divrei Hisoreros on Tisha B’Av.

Now you can Dial-In to hear the entire program at:

(253) 215 8782: Meeting number 427 338 7641 # #. 

Or view it at TorahPrograms.com or TorahAnytime.com.

The admission fee for the entire Live Program live is a very nominal $10.

Sponsors are still needed to cover the cost of producing this Program.

Please call 718-998-5822 for information or donate at TorahPrograms.com

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