Raise The Bar: Join RCCS in Fundraising for Cancer Patients and Make a Life-Changing Impact!

RCCS is the premiere organization servicing cancer patients and their families.

RCCS is constantly RAISING THE BAR by providing access to unparalleled care and connecting patients with the most current research on available trials and treatments. When one receives a diagnosis and is experiencing an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, RCCS steps in and RAISES the spirits. Our team walks alongside the patient and family through treatment, recovery, and beyond.

Our goal is to RAISE each individual’s chance of a complete recovery.

The RCCS annual budget is over $19.5 million and is, unfortunately, growing rapidly. RCCS must RAISE the necessary funds and meet this campaign’s goal in order to be able to continue our activities and RAISE the standards for cholei yisroel.

You can RAISE THE BAR for our patients and their families. You can be a part of ensuring that they receive the care they so desperately need. Please partner generously.

You can have the zechus of contributing towards saving the lives of people in your community!

Help Save a Life. https://dryveup.com/rccs/

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