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Rabbi Frand. BBQ Buffet. Helping Shuvu’s Children: Your Monday Night. Planned! – Happening Tonight

Tonight, Monday night, July 17th, Rabbi Yissocher Frand will be coming to Brooklyn as the keynote speaker for Shuvu’s Summer Parlor Meeting

The annual event, which will Be’H take place at the home of Gedaliah and Rachael Weinberger at 1757 East 23rd Street (between Quentin Ave. and Ave. R), offers the opportunity to hear about Shuvu’s work and to help bring Torah and Yiddishkeit to thousands of children all over Eretz Yisroel. Unfortunately, the Israeli public school system does not teach children about Torah or Mitzvos, so most children — from Russia, Ukraine, France or even Eretz Yisroel itself — know very little about Yiddiskei. In fact, many do not even know Shema Yisroel!

With its network of schools throughout Eretz Yisroel, Shuvu’s staff of Rebbeim and teachers are literally changing the face of Eretz Yisroel! From Rav Pam’s zt’l’s vision over 30 years ago until now, countless neshamos — children and their families — have returned to Yiddishkeit. Many Shuvu alumni have married and started their own Frum families B’H – kein yirbu! But we need YOUR support to help fund our work. 

Please join us Tonight, Monday night at 7PM. You will hear Rabbi Frand, enjoy a delicious BBQ buffet catered by Michael Schick, and you will learn more about Shuvu and how you can help change the tide in Eretz Yisroel.

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