Fantastic NEW Masmidim Program in Montana for Mesivta Bachurim

In addition to our regular camp program this year, we are pleased to announce this year our new Masmidim Program to Heritage Adventures Summer 2023!

Under the leadership of Rabbi Strum shlita, this summer we will have an option for all Masmidim who want to go above and beyond in their learning to opt-in for a more advanced Seder Halimud. 

Our Masmidim will have a regular full 3-hour 1st seder with a daily in depth shiur from R’ Strum shlita and a dedicated  Chashuveh Bais Medrash Staff, and then meet up with the camp for all activities. As we know the secret to being Matzliach in Yeshiva is a direct result of the Hatzlacha one has during Bein Hazmanim, therefore we encourage all those that are holding on this level to sign up for our Masmidim program.

 It is also important to note that this will not impact the regular camp and R’ Strum, with the Masmidim, will be together in the Bais Medrash for learning and will then join for all the activities. The primary goal of the Masmidim Program is to elevate the whole camp with even more Limud Hatorah!

 For over 20 years Rabbi Mordechai Kreitenberg, Director of Heritage Retreats, has been conducting travel summer and winter camps throughout the Western U.S.  
This summer, join Heritage Adventures for their 4th summer on an epic adventure, as we journey into some of the most beautiful parts of North America.

Geared towards Yeshiva Bachurim, grades 8-12th and based on our stunning brand new 40-acre Ranch in Whitefish, Montana – we will be traveling through Glacier National Park, Banff National Park and finishing in the beautiful Mount Rainer in Washington State.

 The camp is guided by a handpicked, responsible staff of Bnei torah (married and single) and has a fantastic chef aboard who provides delicious wholesome meals.  Heritage has a well-known reputation for providing a perfect blend of Torah and summer fun and focuses on what it means to be a Ben Torah on the road. Come check out our website @ and see for yourself what we’re all about!


Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 201-806-9898


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