Yismach Revolutionizes Shidduchim with Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology

Introducing the Future of Shidduchim with AI-Assisted Suggestions

For some people, shidduchim is a dream.

They marry the first person who is suggested. They get engaged after a few dates.

For many people, shidduchim is a nightmare.

With one disappointing date after another, year after year,  quality singles are made to feel that they are to blame – or worse, that there is something profoundly wrong with them. Relying on friends to fix them up is inevitably disastrous. Rav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman zt”l explained this bluntly to friends who brought someone who had a visible physical disability who did not want to go out again with someone who also had a visible physical disability.[1] Rav Shteinman turned from the friends who were doing all the talking to the bochur and asked if her deformity bothers him. Cowed by these friends, the bochur did not want to answer but Rav Shteinman pressed relentlessly. “It does bother me,” he quietly replied, to which Rav Shteinman gave the directive not to marry this girl. The friends insisted and asked if they could convince him to reconsider. Rav Shteinman, again ignoring the friends, told the bochur that your friends don’t have your best interests in mind because you make them uncomfortable. They are married with children and just want you married. The friends asked if they could at least try to convince him to go out on a second date. A second date, yes. To marry her, no.

Yismach, a leading shidduch organization with a ten-year legacy and an extensive global network that has resulted in hundreds of successful engagements, is acutely aware that for many, shidduchim is fraught with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. As part of their mission to “make it happen”, they are excitedly deploying the latest in artificial intelligence breakthroughs to navigate these hurdles.

Yismach’s latest innovation is the result of a remarkable fusion of technology and human expertise: the incorporation of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, designed in collaboration with AI experts and professors of psychology, to assist shadchanim in making more accurate and suitable suggestions. The beauty of AI technology lies in its ability to target and highlight the best matches based on a user’s profile, bio and what they are looking for.

“It’s the fusion of AI power with the wisdom of shadchanim and the rich insights from decades of social psychology research that has enabled us to make this breakthrough,” Dr. Shmuel Neumann said. “This extraordinary collaboration differentiates our approach and allows us to address the complexities of the shidduch process in a truly innovative way.”

Before implementing the AI technology, it was rigorously tested. A recent trial of this revolutionary technology saw Yismach dispatching over 400 suggestions, with the response being overwhelmingly positive. A substantial 30% of recipients wanted to meet the AI-generated suggestion, while 20% admitted they had previously gone out with the suggested match, expressing astonishment at the technology’s precision. Another 20% expressed interest and were contemplating further exploration of the suggested match. This 20% rejection rate contrasts sharply with traditional shadchan-generated suggestions, which typically see a staggering 90% rejection rate.

Dr. Neumann, the administrator of Yismach, added, “Our aim has always been to make the shidduch process more effective and less traumatic. With AI, we’re able to equip shadchanim with more accurate data and insights, leading to more successful suggestions.”

Last week, Yismach utilized this new technology at their latest ‘Meet the Shadchanim’ event in Israel. For the first time in history, this was an AI-powered event. The shadchanim at the event had instant access to match ideas generated by AI for all attendees. The AI also helped craft the reasoning behind each suggestion, explaining why it was a good match. The profound collaboration between shadchanim and AI bore impressive results, testament to the power of this partnership.

“I can’t possibly remember the details of everyone I met at the Yismach Meet the Shadchanim Party,” Chana Greenblatt, a Jerusalem-based shadchan remarked. “Having the person’s information on Yismach is important and now with AI-recommended matches, I can narrow down good possibilities to excellent ones.”

Yismach has taken another significant step forward by launching a new AI-assisted tool that helps shadchanim craft personalized reasoning behind their suggestions. A common reaction to a shidduch suggestion is the desire to understand why that match is suggested. The new Yismach tool addresses this need. A real example of a generated message reads:

“Sara, I’d like to suggest Chaim to you because your bios match well. You both value Torah learning and come from religious backgrounds. Chaim is also creative, enjoys traveling, and seeks to build a home of good values. You both have a sense of humor and prioritize family. Chaim is looking for a girl who is kind and friendly, which aligns with your caring and truthful personality. Overall, I think you would both make a great match for each other.”

The shadchan edits the text and adjusts it as necessary before sending it. This is a significant advancement in providing clarity and in making the suggestion process easier.

“This is amazing,” Esti Salomon, a Jerusalem shadchan, marveled. “This really helps. Anyone I suggest whether it was an AI recommended match or not, when I redt the shidduch it gives an excellent rationale why this is matim.”

Indisputably the old fashioned time-tested shidduchim system works. Ai  is a tool for shadchanim. It is the shadchan that decides if any of these AI generated recommended matches make sense. What may be perfect on paper, may not be in real life. Successful shadchanim have an intuitive sense. As an added resource for shadchanim, the organization has also assembled an extensive repository of social psychology research relevant to shidduchim, facilitating a more holistic approach to understanding compatibility and the dynamics of successful relationships.

Moreover, the shidduch system completely conforms to Jewish law and Jewish values. Yismach’s dedication to incorporating halachic resources related to shidduchim is unparalleled, as demonstrated by their compilation of a comprehensive 500-page sefer called Derech Eretz.

A few months ago, Yismach held its first Shabbaton in the United States, further underscoring the organization’s innovative approach to the shidduch process. Dr. Neumann reflected on the event, stating, “We had about 50 people come to the Shabbaton, and by that Sunday, we had people going out. By the end of the week, we had set up 26 people from the Shabbaton, which was incredible. We hope to launch another one this summer and are exploring the possibility of incorporating the power of AI into the next shabbaton.”

But this is just the beginning of their innovative journey. Yismach is teeming with ideas and has a host of projects in the pipeline: An AI shadchan helper, AI  tools to enhance shidduch resumes, to better articulate what the single is looking for and to paint a better picture of themselves for shadchanim. The organization’s commitment to innovation makes the shidduch process more efficient and less daunting.

Reflecting on the path ahead, Dr. Neumann says, “The future of shidduchim is here. The synergy between the power of AI with the expertise of shadchanim should unearth the perfect fit. If it fits, nothing can break it; if it doesn’t, nothing can make it.”

So, if you’re ready to embark on a shidduch journey that benefits from groundbreaking technology and the dedication of Yismach’s seasoned team, sign up today at www.yismach.com.

Welcome to a new era of shidduchim, tailored just for you.

This is the future.

Website: www.Yismach.com
Contact Info: [email protected]
US number: (551) 253-1004
Israel Number: 02-567-2313/ 0523-444-890

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