Historic Push Underway to Complete the First-of-its-Kind 24-Hour Torah Center, Permanent Home of Kollel Chatzos Eretz Yisroel

Beitar Illit — Passing by the construction of the soon-to-be Binyan Hakodesh of Kollel Chatzos, one cannot help but realize that something rare and special is being built on these hallowed grounds. With all the work performed at the hands of Yiddish workers, the magnificent new edifice will soon begin serving as a home of Torah that never pauses, not even for a moment.

The new center, now inching closer to the final stages of completion, will serve as the space that will every night host the stirring Tikkun Chatzos and all-night learning that has over the past 22 years become known as ‘Kollel Chatzos Eretz Yisroel.’ Additionally, the building will also serve as the spiritual center of life for over 500 families in the Beitar Illit community. 

Kollel Chatzos is an integral part of Jewish life in this day and age. Since the day when Yehoshua Meir Deutsch Shlit”a first launched an ambitious mission of all-night learning over two decades ago, Kollel Chatzos has become the leading source of yeshuos for Yidden around the globe. 

And it’s no surprise. Chazal teach us that Torah is the ultimate source of protection for Am Yisroel, and during the early morning hours, when there is little Torah being learned around the globe and a time considered most auspicious in heaven, the devoted talmidei chachomim of the kollel serve watch over our nation — with remarkable impact and wondrous results. 

The new building will boast one major distinction that has made it a highly sought-after choice for forward-thinking donors. The main heichel haTorah will be the very first place in the world where Torah will be learned at every moment of every day of the year, 24/7/365! There is no comparison for the great zechus — in this world and the world to come — acquired by those who are part of this mission.

A number of donors have eagerly jumped at the opportunity to memorialize the names and legacies of their loved ones by securing a sponsorship in their honor, in a facility that will serve as the watchtower of Am Yisroel until Moshiach’s day.

These days, a global movement is being rolled out to help push this project across the finish line and crown the mission with success. “It is heartwarming to see Klal Yisroel come together and build this Torah fortress,” said Harav (Name…) from Kollel Chatzos. “There is no doubt that the zechusim of this endeavor will shine bright in the lives of all who partake in it.”

CLICK HERE To join this mission and secure your zechus in the first-ever home of perpetual Torah

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