ENGAGED!!! At Least 382 Single Women And 412 Single Men Received Yeshuos Last Year From This Project!

Last year HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a combined all the most reliable and proven segulos, and the results weren’t long in coming* The list of participants this year in the special project for the yahrtzeit of the Tanna R’ Yonason ben Uziel is quickly growing* It’s simple, easy, and it’s proven itself amazingly well! Kol sasson v’kol simcha!

The news spread rapidly among those waiting for their shidduch, and this year’s list of participants has grown to unprecedented proportions.

A year ago for the yahrtzeit of the holy Tanna R’ Yonason ben Uziel, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a combined all the most reliable and proven segulos, and with the power of tzedakah, the power of emunah, and the power of tefillah at the holy site of Amuka, the results weren’t long in coming: at least 382 single women who participated were engaged by Rosh HaShana 5783, and at least 412 single men who participated were also engaged by that time. In many of those shidduchim, both the chassan and the kallah had participated, and they merited a speedy yeshuah.

This year as well, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a has pronounced an extraordinary, explicit brocha– whoever takes the seven following steps will merit midah k’negged midah to get engaged by the coming Rosh HaShana.

Now’s the time to participate! It’s not difficult; it’s not complicated. The steps are simple and easy, and the yeshuah is right around the corner! Grab a pen and paper and start writing!

1.     Calculate the numerical value of your full first name(s)

 (not your last name, and not including your mother’s name.)

2.     Add $22, the gematria (numerical value) of ‘zivug’ without the yud.

3.     Click here to give the donation and the full name.

4.     On the day of the yahrtzeit, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a will conduct, at Amuka, the hataras klallos ceremony for removing all negative spiritual obstacles which could prevent the yeshuah from materializing.

5.     Afterwards, he will perform kofer nefesh for your name, using the money you contributed to actualize the yeshuah, as midah k’negged midah whoever helps poor orphaned brides to get married will also merit to build their own Torah-true home soon.

6.     Only after the pidyon and hataras klallos, when all the prosecutors and obstacles have been removed, will HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a decree  that with the power of tzedakah, and the location, and the awesome power of the holy Tanna R’ Yonason ben Uziel, midah k’negged midah they should merit to get engaged by  this coming Rosh HaShana  and to get married very soon, as they helped poor orphaned brides to get married.

7.     Start thinking about which hall you’d like to take for your engagement party- there’s already a plate! It’s a special gift from HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a for the kallah’s side, as a sign of the brocha. Or if the participant is a man, he can receive a shtar tena’im as a gift from the Rav. 

 Donate your Pidyon Nefesh and submit your names for the Hataras Klalos >>>

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