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JEMS of South Florida is Breaking Barriers and Changing Lives for Children with Special Needs

JEMS, Jewish Education Made Special, is the only Yeshiva based school in South Florida for children with special needs.  JEMS has filled a huge need in the South Florida frum community and has had a tremendous impact on the lives of everyone it has touched. 

JEMS is completing its successful first year and expects to triple its enrollment over the next two years.  JEMS students have been actively integrated into Yeshiva Toras Emes, allowing not only the JEMS students to grow, but also allowing the yeshiva boys and girls to experience special bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime.  This inclusivity program combined with the JEMS fully integrated and on-site therapies, have quickly made JEMS an example for special needs schools to follow.  But, JEMS’ future success can only happen with the support of the entire Jewish community. 

So, we turn to you, our community and friends, to support us in our mission.  Every special needs child deserves the opportunity to learn in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. You can be a part of ensuring that this is a reality for all our students.  Help us take the next steps and become a partner in building our community and creating positive growth for all of our children. 

Donate to JEMS Today!

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