Calling All Therapists – Get Certified In EMDR From The Famous Roy Kiessling

Take your clients back to the future, So they can live in the present.

New and updated EMDR skills will include integrating EMDR through teletherapy.

The next generation in EMDR: A Neurological, Interpersonal approach to EMDR

Meet the trainer:

Roy Kiessling began his carerr in EMDR back in 1995.
He was the senior trainer for the EMDR humaitarian recipient of the Liz Sneiker award in 2005.
In 2013 Roy began an independent EMDRIA approved basic training: Integrating EMDR into your clinical practice.
Finally, in 2013 Roy founded EMDR Consulting: to provide EMDR basic training throughout the United States.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the AIP approach to psychotherapy
  • List EMDR’s 8 phase and 3 prongs
  • Apply extended resourcing interventions
  • Construct a belief focused targeting plan
  • List 5 EMDR specific targeting plan approaches
  • Develop resourcing skills to assist EMDR processing
  • Discuss the use of clinical interventions during processing & demonstrate the use of EMDR unrestrictive processing
  • Compare and contrast EMDR standard protocols and procedures with the integrative approach

As a Refresher Course,
Discounted price to update your skills and learn:

  • Extended resourcing strategies
  • Core belief strutted targeting plans
  • The Processing Continuum:  EMD, EMDr, EMDR

Kosher Friendly Training: NO Shabbos Classes

$1,595 early bird registration special until June 14th

Price includes 10 hour case consultation FREE! ($250 value)

For more information:
Email: [email protected]
or Call: 917-806-9360

To Register:

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