The Entire Tehillim Twice? For Free? Can’t be. Yes. It could. find out more now

Trust me, you want to read the next few lines.

I want to share with you an incredibly rare, special free tefillah opportunity as a thank you for your past support to Yad L’Achim. Our messengers are in Mezhibuzh, Ukraine and will 
on Erev Shavuos & Shavuos 
 the yahrtzeit of Dovid Hamelech & the Baal Shem Tov zt”l

To submit your names, CLICK HERE or visit
or call 1-718-690-2944
Tefillos can be for all personal requests

(NOTE: Despite the turmoil, our representatives are already in Mezhibuzh, Ukraine)

If you know someone who can benefit from this free tefillah, please CLICK HERE to share it with them via WhatsApp, (try it, it’s cool)

STUNNING VIDEO: Scenic Aerial Tour of the Baal Shem Tov in Mezhibuzh, Ukraine

This Erev Shavuos, Merit the Special Segulah of “104” of Rav Chaim Palagi zt”l


You can also help Yad L’Achim save Jewish lives – Pidyon Shvuyim!


To Submit your names for free CLICK HERE or visit to join

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