Rabbi Yaakov Singer With A New Single For Shavous “Kol Haneshama”

The Jewish Nation once again prepares for the Yom Tov of Shavuos, eagerly preparing to recommit themselves to living a Torah life כאיש אחד בלב אחד. How befitting it is then, at this time, to release the heart warming melody of, “כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה.”  

Now is the time for EVERY living נשמה, with their WHOLE נשמה, to praise and thank Hashem, for every single breath granted to them, from last שבועות till this שבועות. 

Covid taught us a great lesson. We can’t take the breath of life for granted. Since Hashem gives life for a purpose, we need to try to utilize our time properly, in His service. Every moment is precious. Sometimes, only when we are short of breath and can’t catch our breath, do we appreciate every breath. In such a moment this heart warming song of praise was born. It captures the heartbeat of life, gifted to us by Hashem, that gives us the energy to move forward and accomplish. By studying Hashem’s precious Torah, performing His Mitzvos and creating generations devoted to doing His will, do we sanctify His name in this world. 

Thank you Hashem, for every heartbeat and every breath of life. 

Yaakov Singer


Composed and Performed by: Rabbi Yaakov Singer

Produced by: Hillel Kapnick

To listen to Rabbi Yaakov Singer’s music or to download them FREE,  please visit his Soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/yaakovsinger/a…

Rabbi Yaakov’s songs are also available for digital download on: iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music and Spotify.

To reach Rabbi Yaakov Singer for comments or questions please email: [email protected]

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