Shavuos Reading from ArtScroll!

This Shavuos season, ArtScroll has everything you need for your reading pleasure and inspiration!

Here is a brief synopsis of some of our recent bestsellers:

New from Rabbi Yechiel Spero: The Eternal Wisdom of Pirkei Avos
During this time of year, many devote time to study Pirkei Avos. In The Eternal Wisdom of Pirkei Avos, Rabbi Yechiel Spero uses fantastic true stories and penetrating insights to bring the messages of each Mishnah in Pirkei Avos into our everyday lives. Each Mishnah includes an insight, a story, and a practical take-away for us to internalize these vital life lessons.

The Awesome Power of Your Berachos
This book shows us how to take our berachos to the next level and change our lives … for the better! The Awesome Power of Berachos – written by Rabbi Mechel Handler and adapted by Malky Heimowitz – shows us the many benefits of saying a berachah. We read all about kavanah and discover how to power up our focus and concentration. We discover the hidden meanings in every single word of berachos and how “berachos bring berachos” – the incomparable benefits and blessings Hashem grants us when we say a berachah properly.

Return from Captivity

Few people write a novel like Rochel Istrin, author of Hidden and The Captives. Set in a small Jewish pioneer community in an increasingly tense pre-Civil-War border state, Return From Captivity is a can’t-put-it-down novel of adventure, discovery, and the infinite power of the neshamah to return to its people.

Beis Halevi Ahavas Yisroel

In his brilliant essay on ahavas Yisrael, the Beis HaLevi, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, beautifully explains the mitzvah of loving your fellow Jew. Who does the mitzvah apply to? When does it apply? What do I need to do to fulfill it properly? The Beis HaLevi also provides incentives to help us do the mitzvah in the best possible way. This edition is translated and elucidated by Rabbi David Sutton, author of ArtScroll’s bestselling Beis HaLevi on Bitachon. The new Beis Halevi on Ahavas Yisrael has amazing insights – and a whole section of uplifting stories.

Tefilas HaShelah

Written by the Shelah HaKadosh, Tefillas HaShelah is the prayer recited by generations of parents, asking Hashem for righteous and successful children. It is traditionally recited on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, while others choose to say it more frequently, with some reciting it every day. In this edition, Yisroel Besser brings the tefillah to life with incredible insights and fantastic stories.


A brand-new exciting cookbook! The authors, Elizabeth L. Mandlebaum and Dr. Alyssa Berlin, believe that cooking should be calming, creative, and rewarding. Their goal is to offer simple and healthy recipes with techniques on how to plate them to perfection. They focus on pairing flavors and ingredients that are satisfying and leave you feeling great.

Plated features:
– “Calm Cooking” ideas to keep your kitchen stress-free
– Easy-to-find ingredients that pack a visual and flavorful punch.
– Food hacks, tips, and simple, user-friendly directions to walk you through the prep and plating of each dish
– Flexible and adaptive recipes that are easily adjusted to your tastes and preferences
– Allergy-friendly recipes, with many gluten-, soy-, dairy- and nut-free recipes or variations that are equally delicious
– Entrees that include side, salad, vegetable and/or sauce suggestions that complete your meal

Zera Shimshon Megillas Rus

Thousands have discovered the beautiful and original Torah thoughts – and the remarkable segulah – of the Zera Shimshon. Now, ArtScroll proudly presents Zera Shimshon on Megillas Rus. Includes the full text of the Zera Shimshon‘s commentary on Megillas Rus, with an elucidated translation designed to help the reader follow the Zera Shimshon‘s often-complex ideas; an introduction to each derush, with explanations to enhance our understanding of the Zera Shimshon‘s commentary; and explanatory notes that offer more important background material.

Rav Druk on Shavuos and Rus

Rav Yisroel Meir Druk, son of a famed maggid and a noted maggid himself, brings our understanding of Megillas Rus and the Yom Tov of Shavuos to a whole new level. His insights, firmly based on a large variety of classic Torah sources, are brief, readable, and intriguing.

This volume includes a commentary on Megillas Rus, a special section on Krias HaTorah of Shavuos, and inspiring essays on Kabbalas HaTorah. Read this volume before Yom Tov or take it with you to shul – your Shavuos will never be the same!

Living Emunah on Shidduchim

Rabbi David Ashear, author of the bestselling and groundbreaking Living Emunah series, brings his unforgettable _munah insights and stories to one of the most important – and stressful – parts of our lives: finding a shidduch for our children or ourselves.

With more than 300,000 copies in print, the Living Emunah series has touched so many lives. In Living Emunah on Shidduchim, Rabbi Ashear shows us how everyone involved in the world of shidduchim – parents, friends, shadchanim, and, of course, those waiting for their basherte – can turn a challenging and tense time into a vehicle for growth, tranquility, and ever-strengthening emunah.

90 Seconds – The Epic Story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah

The amazing work of Israel’s United Hatzalah began when five-year-old Eli Beer saw a tragic accident and dreamed of being the one to save the victim. While still a young teen, Eli set out to make that dream come true, creating an underground network of pioneering EMTs who were determined to bring their life-saving skills to victims in only 90 seconds, no matter where they were. 90 Secondswritten by bestselling author Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, is the story of how a boy who failed in school created the world’s largest all-volunteer emergency service. It’s the story of dramatic rescues, sometimes under fire. Of life-changing and life-saving innovations such as the “ambucycle.” It is the story of how with determination, vision, self-sacrifice and compassion – and, of course, siyata diShmaya – lives can be saved and dreams can come true.

Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas 3

Zvi Ryzman treats us once again to a fascinating array of halachic discussions, like he did in his previous two books by the same name. For example: Should a kattan become intoxicated on Purim? Can one fulfill pirsumei nisa via Zoom? Does lifnei iveir apply to a meat restaurant during the Nine Days? What are the parameters of ending a fast on an airplane? Rabbi Ryzman researches, analyzes, and elucidates. And when he’s finished, we have a clear understanding of the topic and an understanding of the various halachic approaches.

Farkas Edition Interlinear Machzor Shavuos for Eretz Yisroel

This machzor is a must-have for anyone living in, or visiting, Eretz Yisroel for Yom Tov. It has all the tefillos and insertions to be said in Eretz Yisroel. This is an interlinear format of Hebrew and English.

French Ani Maamin

The original English Ani Maamin sold over 10,000 copies! Now, that bestseller is available in a new French edition! In this thoughtful work, Rabbi Yechezkel Elias examines each of the 13 Ikarei Emunah. Using contemporary examples that we can all understand and relate to, he makes the often difficult concepts contained in the 13 Ikarim clear, comprehensible — and very, very relevant. Each Ikar is followed by a section titled How does this affect my daily life?, which shows us how to put these foundational beliefs into practice in our own lives.

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