Overflowing Crowd at the Boca Raton Kollel Dinner, Monday Night

The Boca Raton Kollel celebrated this past Monday night with the community. Their inaugural dinner, with over 360 people in attendance, highlighted the incredible impact the Kollel has made in Boca. 

The dinner was chaired by Mr. Ari Stern of Lakewood and Boca Raton who has been a staunch supporter and participant of the Kollel since its inception. In fact, the Kollel was named for his grandparents.

Mr. Stern spoke passionately about the importance of “getting in the game” and actively participating in the Torah learning that is happening day and night in the Kollel. He spoke from his own experience, as he learns regularly with Rosh Kollel Rabbi Nachman Luban. Hakaras hatov was expressed to the two honorary chairmen, Mr. Matis Friedman of Brooklyn and Mr. Jerry Weissman of Boynton Beach for their great efforts in making the event the huge success that it was.

Rosh Kollel Rabbi Dovid May then introduced the honorees for the evening. He explained that they were chosen because they represent a large part of the Kollel’s mission. The Boca Raton Kollel has 10 yungerleit learning 3 sedarim a day. However, the Kollel chose to highlight community members who are committed to prioritizing their Torah learning despite busy schedules – with work, family, and travel. The honorees, Ahron and Bashi Levy, Simcha, and Hannah Stern, and Avi and Sara Wargon spoke of the difference their learning has on their lives and that of their families. Their words served as an inspiring call to action for everyone to be kove’ah itim, to set aside priority time dedicated to learning Torah regularly.

Rabbi May also highlighted the tremendous contributions the Kollel has made to the greater Boca community. The alumni of the Kollel who were the founding members have all stayed on to live in Boca and are contributing to Jewish life. Among them are yeshiva rebbeim, a yeshiva administrator, an executive for South Florida Agudah, and a rosh chabura.

With constantly expanding learning opportunities and growing demand for chavrusas, the Kollel plans to welcome 6 new families this year. In addition, a beautiful new larger space is being prepared to meet the incredible growth of the Kollel and the demand of the community. By all counts, the evening was an uplifting experience for all in attendance and an impressive kiddush HaShem.

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