Bnos Yaakov High School: A School That Fosters Middos Tovos, a Standard of Excellence And a Joy For Life.

Learning. Excellence. Joy.

Welcome to Bnos Yaakov High School

A school that fosters a love for learning, excellence – and a joy for life. 


It’s the solid Bais Yaakov school – with the secret to Simchas Hachaim and personal fulfillment.


It’s the big things: The strong Hashkafos. The rigorous curriculum. The pursuit of excellence.


And the little things: The individual Kabalos. The warm personal touches. And yes, the bountiful smiles.


And when Simchas Hachaim is not a catchy slogan but an integral part of the fabric, school indeed becomes a place for learning, life – and joy.


It’s the combination that makes for stress-free success in every student.


Watch their growth. Experience the joy.


Help us reach our goal! With only one day left, we need YOUR help.

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