Overcoming Infertility: It’s Not Always Easy.

A Giving Hand was founded with the primary mission to provide financial and emotional assistance to couples who are faced with primary and secondary infertility. We as a couple faced with infertility can sympathize with all others who struggle with the same challenge. Infertility is a multifaceted challenge, emotional, physical, spiritual- and if that’s not enough above all, financial!


  • Conceiving a child is not always as easy as you might think
  • Infertility affects about 12% of the population so you are definitely not alone.
  • Most couples have to undergo three IVF rounds or more. The process takes its toll on mental and emotional health
  • Average cost of IVF cycle is between $18,000-$35,000
  • You may need IVF even if you conceived in the past. This is referred to as secondary infertility, and  secondary infertility accounts for about 30% of infertility diagnoses.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help! It is amazing what you do and the relief you provided!Having this organization made it possible for us to expand our family and we are so grateful. We hope they can continue helping others expand their family as wellPlease let everyone know how grateful my husband and I are! It’s been a struggle and any help we get is so helpful! Thank youWe are so thankful and appreciate this so much.  You started something that is very much needed in our community and nobody talks about. May this come back to you and you have Hatzlacha in your own personal journey. Thank you so much!A Giving Hand is not just an organization it’s more like a family that’s there to help you in times of need.It’s crazy how you and I met, all to lead 5 years later to you starting an organization that will help me bring a baby into the world.Thank you so much for helping us make our dreams come true. Without your financial assistance, I would not have been able to bank up as many eggs and Bzh, have the family we so dreamed of! Because of your help we will bh, be expecting our first child in October.We had such a great experience with A Giving Hand . Meyer is a sweetheart and gives you the time of day I remember when I called this organization, I did not even know that he was the Founder I poured my heart out to him for over an hour and he was so understanding and an amazing listener!We are so blessed to be part of an amazing organization with an amazing team! Thank you for all you do and always aspiring to do more! We wish you much luck and success in your journey and thanks for being there for us during our journey.We cannot be more thankful to this organization. They are so kind and willing to help. Their emotional and monetary support took so much pressure off of my spouse and I.

This organization is a blessing to have around. They are generous, kind and very caring. They make every person who is going through infertility feel that they always have someone to rely on in every way.


A major component in the healing process is optimism and hope! A Giving Hand not only provides financial aid for these couples, they infuse these couples with the hope and optimism that their prayers will be answered.” May all those who help these couples bring children to the world merit to see only happy occasions and Nahat from their children and grandchildren! – Rabbi Eliezer Zeytouneh

I fully approve of this wonderful organization that helps our Community build the future. May Hashem Bless you for your generosity, to see much happiness and nachat from all your children – Rabbi Moshe Malka

The greatest act of giving we can do is to give new life. “A Giving Hand” does just that and we can and must help them. – Rabbi Ariel Mizrahi  

I highly endorse this wonderful organization, that gives couples the hope and the support to build families in klal yisrael. The zechut of helping to build a Jewish family is immeasurable. – Rabbi Eli Cohen

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