The Rav Who is Located Only 4 miles From Gaza: “We Cannot Continue Like This”

Rabbi Abergel, the son and successor of Rabbi Yoram Abergel, is asking the public to support the construction of the protected Beit Midrash in Netivot – only 7 km from Gaza.  Let’s be partners in protecting those sitting on the front lines of enemy fire.


The brutal missile attacks in the south take a heavy mental and personal toll on the residents of the southern part of Israel . Rabbi Israel Abergel, the son and successor of Rabbi Yoram Abergel, addresses the public with a call to action strongly urging us to participate in the construction of Rabbi Yoram’s house in Netivot.

Rabbi Yoram’s House for Torah and Prayer will be built in the heart of the city of Nativot, 7 km from Gaza and will be a house for Torah and prayer in the southern side of the existing ‘Meir La’aretz’ yeshiva and will be a huge beit midrash that is entirely protected with reinforced materials.  Let’s be partners in the erection of this much needed establishment, and gain  protection from our enemies and receive added protection from god !

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