The Gadlus of Rav Pam & The Gadlus of the Sefer Torah Celebration at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath

True gadlus never wavers. A legacy of greatness lives on forever! This is our Yeshiva. This is our legendary Rebbe and the mesorah that Moreinu Horav Pam זצ”ל and our other great Rebbeim have passed on to us. Two decades after the Rosh Hayeshiva’s passing, the legacy and vibrancy of Torah that Rav Pam ignited and inspired thrives with a gadlus that is simultaneously humbling and exemplary.

With great siyata d’Shmaya, today our Yeshiva is flourishing with an enrollment of over 1,000 talmidim. The all-encompassing gadlus of Torah Vodaath plays out in all its divisions, attracting bochurim and yungerleit from the New York area and beyond. Every talmid is enveloped with a vibrancy and developed with a שלמות in all aspects of chinuch. 

Please join us on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Sunday, May 21st for a Grand Siyum Sefer Torah Celebration – as we conclude the writing of a Sefer Torah לזכר נשמת Moreinu Horav Avrohom Pam. There are also special Sefer Tributes  לזכר נשמתour Marbitzei Torah, Horav Yitzchok Kaplinsky and Horav Yitzchok Meir Schorr זכרונם לברכה.

The Siyum Celebration / 104th Annual Dinner will also recognize the accomplishments of the classes of 1998 and 1973 and how the Yeshiva and Rosh Hayeshiva’s impact flourishes 25 and 50 years later.

Click here for dedication information.

We look forward to celebrating our gadlus together – כאיש אחד בלב אחד we will welcome Matan Torah with gadlus!

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