Flatbush Lag B’Omer Parade

The Flatbush Lag B’Omer Parade made a triumphant splash this year, bringing joy and excitement. Led by Rabbi Yoseph and Tzippy Vigler, of Mayan Yisroel of Flatbush, the parade featured young Jewish children proudly marching through the streets, holding signs that showed their pride in being a Yid and bringing light to the world.

The parade kicked off with cheerful Bochurim, dressed as clowns, creating a fun and creative atmosphere as they chanted psukim and danced in the streets. They were joined by 2 lively drumming bands.

A massive Sefer Hamitzvos float of the “Chidon Sefer Hamitzvos” accompanied the parade spearheaded by Mrs Mashi Donat, launching the Flatbush branch of the Chidon.

Hundreds of Letters in the International Children’s Sefer Torah KidsTorah.org were sold.

MC Mendel Zaltsman from Oholei Torah, led the event. HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlit”a, shared meaningful words. The organizers expressed to Shomrim and the 63rd Precinct. Tehillim were said by all the kinderlach for the Refuah Shlaima of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlit”a.

The Flatbush Lag B’Omer Parade and Event once again brought a renewed sense of spirit and unity to the local Jewish community in this special Year of Gathering Jews together, Shnas Hakhel.

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