Can You Help a Shliach Marry Off Their Child?

A Shliach is marrying a child — the second in a short time frame — and has no money to pay for the wedding 

Baruch Hashem, he is marrying off a child after Shavuos, and there is no money to pay for even the most basic of weddings. For this Shliach, who was zoche that a child of his got engaged not long after another was married, he finds himself bracing to shoulder the immense expense even as the previous chasuna’s financial impact is still being felt acutely. 

The additional costs of flying in their large family and other additional expenses associated with traveling from out of town can be incredibly expensive as well. 

There are long days working tirelessly to reach out to every Jew, and longer nights, worrying about bills and children 

Can you help fulfill the special mitzvah of Hachnasas Kallah while supporting the Rebbe’s Shlichus? 

Baruch Hashem, there are organizations that assist Shluchim with their Simchas, but they provide a few thousand. As everyone knows, even a modest Simcha costs thousands and thousands of dollars. 

Chassidim Ein Mishapacha! We are one family. Together, let’s ensure that a parent can marry off their child with the money to pay for the wedding. 

Click here to donate now!  


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