Educators! – Join one of the fastest-growing Yeshivos in America at Torah Academy of Boca Raton

Torah Academy of Boca Raton is a rapidly growing yeshiva in South Florida, currently serving nearly 750 students over five divisions: our Early Childhood Center (ages 2-5), Elementary boys’ and girls’ divisions (Grades 1-5), and Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School (Grades 6-8).

Chinuch at Torah Academy is strongly rooted in the primacy of Torah in every aspect of life, emphasizing middos development and striving for greatness in avodas Hashem. We prioritize vibrant Limudei Kodesh, high-caliber General Studies, and well-rounded programming, all planned for the optimal development of our talmidim.

Working at Torah Academy of Boca Raton means joining a team of dedicated educators and staff who value a warm, loving approach to teaching and professional collaboration. In addition, we offer:

  • Competitive salaries with sign-on and relocation bonuses
  • 50% tuition break for all F/T teachers
  • 401(k), health insurance
  • Continuing education and training

As an anchor of the frum community of Boca Raton, Torah Academy is situated among a thriving landscape that features all the amenities of Torah life:

  • Numerous shuls, yeshivos, kollelim, and Jewish commerce
  • Friendly frum neighborhoods
  • Inviting climate
  • Hospitable state culture: school vouchers, low taxes, pro-business

Think Boca Raton, Florida for you and your family, and apply to join the Torah Academy team!

To learn more, visit:

Application Form:

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