Watch: What are the skills that make a great social worker?

What are the skills that make a great social worker?

Hear it from the experts at the Sara Schenirer-Wurzweiler Social Work Information Nights.

Women’s Program
Hosted by Mrs. Baila Halpern, Director
Tuesday, May 2nd at 8 PM

Men’s Program
Hosted by Dr. Akiva Perlman and Dovid Becker, LCSW
Wednesday, May 3rd at 8 PM
Zoom and Call-In options

**All attendees will receive a $75 voucher of the application fee**

Click here to register.

● Classes starting after Sukkos

● Live-Online and In Class options

● Separate Men and Women cohorts

Discover why the Sara Schenirer-Wurzweiler partnership is ranked #1 in the frum world.

Email [email protected] or call 718-633-8557 ext. 37 for more information

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