Reb Shayale’s Final Pledge Keeps His Legacy Alive

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Bodrogkeresztur, Hungary – Monday, April 27th, 1925 – Gimel Iyar 5685, The world-renowned Tzadik Reb Shaya’le of Kerestir is gravely ill; it is evident that he had not much time left on this world. He’s in bed surrounded by his children, grandchildren, and closest confidants, offering his final blessings to those present. The atmosphere was tense when a grandchild turned to Reb Shaya’le and asked, “Zeidy, who will intervene on behalf of Klal Yisroel after your passing?”

Reb Shaya’le turned to him and said, “My dear grandchild, as long as you will continue my legacy of Chesed, I’ll continue to intervene on behalf of and procure Yeshuos for Klal Yisroel.”

Fifteen years ago, a group of Reb Shayale’s descendants acted upon that sacred pledge and undertook an inspiring mission of continuing the Legacy of Reb Shayale’s generosity by founding “Rav Lehoshia” to supply thousands of babies from impoverished families in Israel with the extremely costly baby formula – the only food they can eat which can provide them the nourishment and sustenance they desperately need.

These tiny little children cannot eat bread or vegetables, meat, or fish. They do not attend school where they will be served breakfast or lunch; all they can eat is the baby formula their parents feed them. Unfortunately, because of the severe poverty in Eretz Yisroel, thousands of families cannot afford the costly baby formula, and their poor babies do not get proper nourishment. Some of them are being fed regular milk, water mixed with flour, or in the best case, watered-down baby formula so it will last longer.

Before these babies can even utter a word or explain their pain, Reb Shayale’s grandchildren answer their cries of hunger and provide them with monthly distributions of baby formula to fill their empty little stomachs so they, too, can be fed to satisfaction.

Now, in honor of Reb Shayale’s Yahrtzeit, you can seize this unique opportunity to help his grandchildren continue Reb Shayale’s lifelong aspirations, and in return, you will IY” H merit to have Reb Shaya’le intervene in the high heavens on your behalf, and you will merit to see an abundance of health, wealth, nachas, and prosperity. Amen.

Click here now to contribute to this noble cause.

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