Join the 21 Day ‘Eat like Chazal’ Challenge and Lose up to 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks!


Lose up to 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks and learn the skills necessary to be fit for the rest of your life. 

Since we began our WhatsApp groups last year hundreds of men have lost weight, and more importantly, learned how to eat properly !

If you’re tired of the yo-yo diets, we finally have a “diet” of our own that allows us to:

1. Guard our health 

2. Eat according to the Zmanim and eitza of Chazal

3. Not be a slave to food

4. Increase energy levels tremendously 

5. Lose weight

“I really feel like I’m eating l’shem shamayim.” —ZR (Baltimore)

“I’ll tell you something this is about my 8th or 9th time in my life  that I’m on a  diet (eating  habit change) and I always lost weight much faster but that only happened with being hungry all the time and I did a lot of exercise treadmill biking elliptical and with this program THE FIT JEW I’m not hungry and I didn’t do any exercise it’s just a matter of getting used to not eating everything I put my eyes AND I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks!” SF (Brooklyn)

“Thank you for teaching me how to eat and that I do not have to deprive myself of a morning l’chaim in shul. I hope to continue being a fit jew!” – DG (Brooklyn)

“After dieting my whole life with varying degrees of success, about a year ago I went on the Fit Jew eating plan. I have lost 40 pounds in 6 months and maintained that loss ever since. I am very happy with the program—it’s very doable and frum-lifestyle friendly (and does not cost very much). I can go on and on, but I highly recommend giving it a try!” – YL Philly

The 15th Kehila is starting on Sunday, April 30th, BeZras Hashem. 

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your health and your life. There are only 25 spots available, so be sure to send a message on WhatsApp to (862) 800-6546 or visit to join today. Men Only for now (wives are welcome to join their husbands).

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