How Do You Pasken a Halachic Question? Special Shiur by Rav Dovid Cohen

Please join Beis Medrash L’Talmud of Touro’s Lander College for Men for a special shiur presented by:

HaRav HaGaon, Rav DOVID COHEN שליט”א

Rav of Congregation Gvul Yaavetz in Flatbush | Mara D’asra of Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, Nefesh International, Hatzolah of Flatbush, Central Hatzolah and Camp Munk | Dean of the Long Island Commission of Rabbis | Leading Posek and Author of over 70 Sefarim on Gemara, Tefila, Nach and Machshava

דרכי הוראה
How Do You Pasken A Halachic Question?

RSVP to attend at

Monday, May 1, 2023 – 10 Iyar 5783 at 11:00 am (ET)

HaRav Cohen is the recipient of the Second Biennial Rabbi Raphael Zalman Levine HaCohen Endowed Distinguished Talmudic Scholar Award generously endowed by Mr. Joel Margolis of Albany, New York.

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