The New Ateres Matel Leah Hall @ The Manhattan Beach Jewish Center in Brooklyn


By: L. Halevi

LH: Mr. Schick, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to speak to us about your latest venture, as director of catering at the new hall Ateres Matel Leah. What can you tell us about this new venue?

MS: My pleasure. I can tell you that this is a very exciting project that will enhance Simchos in the Brooklyn area. It is an upscale venue which had a lot of thought put into it at every level, to ensure excellence. This new hall is filling a sorely needed void in the community, where available dates for affordable weddings are difficult to find, causing weddings to be pushed off for too long, or making people travel to Lakewood, Passaic or farther away to find a reasonably priced hall.

LH: Who is this hall for?


It is for all residents of Brooklyn and surrounding regions. It’s for anyone who wants a gorgeous, affordable Simcha that they will be proud of. It is for working people, business owners, mechanchim, yungeleit, and anyone else that is looking for a memorable Simcha. The hall offers an all-inclusive price that will not break the bank or cause excessive stress to baalei Simcha. Various upgrades are available as well.

LH: Who are the vendors that are involved in the new hall?

MS: A lot of effort and research went in to finding the providers who will be offering their services to Ba’alei Simcha. Each of the vendors was thoroughly vetted for professionalism, excellence and quality. Some of the vendors include renowned photographer Mendel Myers, energetic musicians KornBlue and Shmilu Morgenstern and others who are tuned in to the frum wedding scene and will ensure that each Simcha is filled with Ruach and joy. All the participating vendors are excited to be part of this new venture and will put their entire heart and soul into it.

LH: What can you tell us about the design of the hall?

MS: The first word that comes to mind is “Elegant”. A team of high-end designers led by Avigail Eisenstadt of AE Design and Tiny Nussbaum of Platinum TNT developers has produced a magnificent venue which is modern, sleek and comfortable and gives off the perfect mood for an impressive Simcha. From the gorgeous chandeliers to the contemporary flooring, no expense has been spared in producing a truly spectacular wedding hall.

LH: Wow, sounds really impressive. Do you have any final thoughts you want to share with our readers?

MS: You have to see it for yourself to truly appreciate how stunning it is. I am proud to be associated with this new hall, and anyone who makes a Simcha here will feel that pride as well.

And of course, the food is delicious and elegantly served!

Come see for yourself.

Call (718)-831-2018 or email [email protected] for more information or to make an appointment for a walkthrough of the Hall.

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