Last chance to get Dekal on time for Pesach!

In the midst of your Pesach preparations, don’t overlook your kitchen counters. The new and improved Dekal Kosher countertop liners are easy to apply and even easier to remove and will make your kitchen more beautiful than ever.

No more schlepping heavy boards from the basement, no silver foil on every surface, no tape. Instead, you have a beautiful marble pattern adorning your counters. The surface wipes clean is heat and water resistant, and it will stay put the entire Yom Tov. Now THAT’s what we call Pesach prep. Nice. And easy!

Learn how to apply Dekal in 4 simple steps here.

After Pesach, simply peel off the Dekal liners and throw them away! The new and improved formula was extensively on all counter surfaces and will not leave any residue.

Right now, it’s your last chance to order Dekal to get it before Pesach!

Click here to order.

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