Matzah for Their Seder!

Making Pesach requires a whole host of preparations! Imagine that on top of all the schlepping, shopping and pressure to clean everything thoroughly enough, you also had to worry about how to pay for it all, when the bills are hopelessly beyond your means. Thousands of struggling families in Eretz Yisroel face that frightening reality daily, in addition to the “ordinary” challenges of preparing for yom tov. Thankfully, Kupath Rabbi Meir understands this terrible distress, and thanks to you, is there every year to help relieve it.  

Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Kollel Polin provides critical financial assistance for medical bills, wedding expenses, and the basic costs of living for families in need. For these families, just putting food on the table or shoes on their children’s feet is an agonizing strain – let alone the additional need to purchase matzoh, wine, clothing and other Pesach necessities. Kupath Rabbi Meir knows their struggle and works to ease their plight, distributing the crucial Maos Chitim funds given by caring people like you. 

Fulfill the timeless mitzvah of Kimcha d’Pischa by contributing to Kupath Rabbi Meir and let the timeless segulah of the great Baal Haness fulfill your needs as well.  

This Pesach, make a difference for those in need and let the zechus of your tzedakah make a difference for you. Uphold the kupah of Rabbi Meir, and in that merit, enjoy a most meaningful Chag Kosher v’Samayach!  

Donate now!

Call 855-726-2260 or go to   

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