Thousands of people rely on Belz. And you can too.

It’s no secret: 

Belz has earned a reputation for proficiency, precision, and professionalism. 

Our Kimcha D’Pischa distribution is no exception. 

Every year, our Kimcha D’Pischa distribution provides food staples to 7,000 families (that’s close to! 50,000 people!) in 14 cities throughout Eretz Yisrael. 

We harness our trusted connections in the food industry, thereby purchasing large quantities of food at wholesale rates. We then distribute the staples to Jews of every denomination – whose only alternative is hunger and lack. 

Get more for your money!

It only costs $571 to provide the basics for a family for a whole Yom Tov. 

Matzah for a family for $240.

Seder basics for a family for $150.

A Yom Tov Seuda for a family for $100.

You give freedom. You get: 

$150: To submit a name to be prayed for at the Tzion of R’ Aron of Belz

$240: A beautiful Hagaddah

$571: A blessed Matzah holder from the Belzer Rav

Sustain families. Still fear. Feed freedom. 

Click here to donate and claim your gift!

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