Your chance to own a luxury home in the Old City of Tzfat is running low

Tzfat is the latest hot market in Israeli real estate. And the phenomenal demand surprised everyone.

Zuravin was confident in his company’s predictions. Yet despite his company, ISA Group’s 25 years of experience in Israeli real estate, he was wrong. Their latest project, Tzfat Estates, has barely launched but over 82% of the apartments are already sold!

The magnetic allure of Tzfat is something that cannot be easily explained. As is clearly evident from the strong connection felt by Jews across the world, all wanting a place to call home in this historic project. 

This intrinsic pull. It goes a lot deeper than the luxurious details and high-quality construction ISA Group is renowned for. And is way greater than being a part of the Estates series of Jerusalem Estates’ fame. 

It’s the secret Tzfat spark that ignites everyone’s soul, with magic zinging in the city’s mystical air. Our heritage has long recognized Tzfat as a spiritual center that still draws from the springs of the Ari Hakadosh and the many tanaim buried in the Galil mountains, notably Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. 

At the recent historic launch event, Zuravin shared, “I’m discovering more and more how Tzfat connects to every Jew through its special history. Everyone feels that authentic bond. For generations, kabbalists, chassidim, poets, rabbis, singers and artists have felt their soul uplifted here.”

Tzfat Estates is adjacent to the Old City, on one of the last remaining plots of land in the historic area of the city — facing Mount Meron and the kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. A luxe residence, planned and designed by industry leaders Feigin Architects, it seamlessly blends unparalleled contemporary standards with ancient roots.

And with only 30 apartments left, the stunning garden apartments are now for sale. Large and spacious apartments with huge gardens are perfect for enjoying family vacations and spending yom tov together.

Imagine coming home uplifted from a stirring Shacharis at Reb Shimon and then letting your soul soar higher as you sing Lecha Dodi in the Ari Shul. Picture walking hand in hand with your son through the cobblestone streets, looking around in wonder as you soak in the kedusha and drink in the surrounding breathtaking views. Envision your family comfortably sitting in your huge garden sukka, singing and swaying with fervor and joy. Think of all the fascinating new people you’ll meet on the ancient streets. See the Jewish art expressed in every form, at every turn. Visualize friends schmoozing in the shade, children laughing on the grass, enjoying your morning coffee as the sun rises over Miron. 

Dream of precious moments made extraordinary with the added zing of Tzfat. 

You still have a chance to be a Tzfat Estates’ member. Tzfat Estates’ garden apartments are now up for sale. Set up a meeting with a sales representative and make your dream a reality of precious picture-perfect moments.

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