PCS/FDU Accounting Course Open House – Start Your Accounting Career With A Step Ahead

PCS/ FDU Accounting Course Open House 
Happening THIS Wednesday, March 22nd

Are you looking for an acclaimed accounting program with proven results?  

A Masters in Accounting from PCS/FDU will provide you with endless opportunities, now – and in the future

Graduates have been placed in top national firms as controllers and CFOs in local companies. Many of our graduates are earning 250k+ 

Now available to Israel Students! 

Best University Fairleigh Dickinson (Forbes 2021)
Best Master’s Degree in Accounting (Eduniversal 2022)

PCS Placement Advantage:  

– 8 placement directors to help graduates find jobs 

– Decades of relationships with 100’s of firms 

– PCS/ Agudath Israel vast network 

Open House!  
Wednesday, March 22nd 
at 7:30 PM EST  

To Join in Person: PCS, 1771 Madison Ave. Executive Center, Lakewood.  
To join remotely:  Email: [email protected]  for login/ conference number
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. 

For more information: 
Men:  [email protected]  732-905-9700 ext. 630
Women: [email protected]   732-367-1500  
Visit our website: www.pcsnynj.org 

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