Drowning In Tuition Bills? The Solution That’s Better Than Vouchers.

You’ve seen the ads, heard the buzz about the new voucher-style $7,000 New Family Tuition Promotion and now you’re wondering “should we move to Rochester?”

Well, for most of klal Yisrael’s families, their priorities are the chinuch of their children and the cost of living.

So, let’s talk about Rochester:

  • Affordability and Quality of Life: A growing family can buy a house with a big, grassy front yard and back yard for about $250,000. You don’t need to be crowded into a tiny apartment anymore. You won’t need bars on your windows. You can use the Eruv to get out on Shabbos and meet all of your new neighbors. Additionally, there are many employment opportunities: over 11,000 jobs were advertised during the second week of February 2023. In Rochester, there is less stress, with a much lower cost of living (43% lower than in NYC), virtually no traffic and lots of fresh air. You can get out of the rat-race, which distracts many of us from what is really important in this world. You can really start focusing on your goals and dreams.

  • Your Children’s Education at DHR: The Rochester community is very proud of Derech HaTorah (DHR), our superb, high-level Torah elementary school that teaches and models true Torah hashkafos, where no child is ever left behind. With innovative reading and kriah instruction and support, every child learns to read both Hebrew and English in kindergarten. With outstanding rabbaim and moros, every child learns how to learn. With support from the school district, all sorts of services are provided. With dynamic, skilled teachers, every class is meaningful and memorable, like our shiurim and hands-on, student-operated hydroponics lab. But that’s not all: The city’s Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Menachem Davidowitz, shlita, recently said, “I challenge anyone to find a school like this anywhere in this country. They focus on skills and make learning fun. These adorable children love coming to school every day! I visited to farher the older talmidim and they really know their stuff. Even the sixth graders were amazing! They accurately read, translated and understood the Gemara.” By spending even a few minutes in the office, halls, and classrooms, you’ll experience the warm, exciting and nurturing environment and notice the emphasis on respect for everyone. If all that isn’t enough to pique your interest, here’s the big one: DHR is currently offering a new fantastic tuition promotion. New families pay a flat rate of $7,000 total per year for ALL of their children’s tuition!! Better than vouchers!!

  • More about Education: If your children are older, there is an outstanding Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva Gedola and Bais Medrash which has been producing impressive bnei Torah, educated balai batim and community leaders for nearly 50 years. Rochester also has Ora Academy, a wonderful, growing girls’ high school; TLC (Torah Loving Care), a frum day care center and nursery school; a variety of minyanim and much more.

  • Afraid that it’s too far away? It’s not! We are much closer to NYC than Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Memphis, Atlanta, Toronto and nearly all other out-of-town communities – and we have better vouchers for all of your children in kindergarten through 8th grade!!

  • Chesed and learning happen every day in Rochester: In big cities, people often don’t feel the need or responsibility to get involved because they figure that there are so many others who can do it, or they are living in such cramped quarters that they can’t really have guests. It’s different in Rochester. It’s like a big family, where everyone takes care of everyone else. Have a baby, surgery, or a problem that lays you low? Smiling neighbors with meals show up at your doorstep. Ready to learn with someone or be marbitz Torah? There are daily and nightly Daf Yomi classes and shiurim tailored to any level with many people wanting to learn and grow.

  • Want more information? Come visit!! Would you like to spend Shabbos and see for yourself? Have you had enough of trying to keep up with the Joneses? Come visit, and experience the community which, in the words of a new Rochesterian, is “large enough to feel like a community, yet small enough to feel like a family”. Visit TorahRochester.com for more information or to arrange a visit.

If you are looking to relocate your family to a community where you can make a difference, where your children will have wonderful, wholesome friends, and where Torah hashkafos guide your way of life, don’t waste another day. We are waiting to welcome you.


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