Last Chance to Submit Names for free @ Reb Elimelech (Weissblum) of Lizhensk

(free to join HERE but you have to HURRY AS THE DEADLINE IS APPROACHING)


Submit your names for the special tefillah as messengers of Yad L’Achim will be davening for SHIDDUCHIM, HEALTH & all personal requests in LIZHENSK – at the resting place of

רבי אלימלך מליז’נסק זצ”ל

Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk  – the Noam Elimelech zt”l
on the day of his yahrtzeit TODAY!, כ”א אדר, FOR FREE

Submit your names by CLICKING HERE, 
or by calling Yad L’Achim at 1-718-395-5899

VIDEO: The Parents of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk zt”l

If you want to be inspired, watch people who were rescued by Yad L’Achim tell their story by CLICKING HERE

(To submit names without a donation, simply enter 00 as amount)

You can submit your names by CLICKING HERE, visiting
or by calling Yad L’Achim at 1-718-395-5899
(Tefillah can be for Shidduchim, Health, Parnassah, Children, Shalom Bayis & All Personal Requests)

 If you know someone who can benefit from this free tefillah, please CLICK HERE to share it with them via WhatsApp (try it, it’s cool)

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