Harav Meilich Biderman shlita and the Children of Shuvu

Harav Meilich Biderman shlita, provided words of Chizuk to children attending Shuvu schools and gave them Brachos.

With over 6000 children attending one of Shuvu’s 70 schools, Shuvu is helping change the face of Eretz Yisroel. The majority of these children come from irreligious homes where even Shabbos is not kept. Yet, when the parents of these children send to Shuvu, many of them immigrants from Russia, Ukraine and France who send to Shuvu to the high education standards, their children are becoming Bnei Torah. Imagine that children from homes where Shabbos is not kept – are now keeping Shabbos and learning Torah!  www.rayze.it/shuvudinner

Harav Meilich, recognizes how wonderful these children are doing, and provided them with Chizuk to continue. But Shuvu needs YOUR Chizuk to continue its mission of spreading Torah and Mitzvos across Eretz Yisroel.

Please join in our dinner campaign to help us, to help these children. Now, more than ever, we need your help.
Please donate today at.. www.rayze.it/shuvudinner


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