My Brother’s Keeper: Project Inspire’s 2023 Retreat Breaks Down All Barriers

By C.B. Weinfeld

I sensed it would happen for me on Shabbos afternoon, that magical moment when it all comes together.

Once again, I wasn’t disappointed.

Based on past experience, I knew that regardless of the packed schedule of classes, and my desire for a short nap, there was only one place I would be on Shabbos afternoon after the meal—at the International Ballroom, (a.k.a. shul,) absorbing Founding Director Rabbi Chaim Sampson’s exceptional presentation, “Women like you doing amazing things for Klal Yisroel.”

It was at the symposium, where ‘ordinary women’ shared their initiatives in bringing their sisters one step closer, that I met Milana Feldman, an intelligent and articulate immigrant from the former Soviet Union.

I had already heard her husband, Igor, speak to a packed audience on Friday night, describing how a Project Inspire trip to the Holy Land set a chain of events that culminated in an entire family transforming their way of life.

As Milana expressed, “My husband and I met, got married, and raised a family. Though my father became religious over the years, Igor was hesitant. I encouraged him to go on the Project Inspire trip to Israel, and the rest is history.”

That groundbreaking trip to Israel was the start of a lifelong relationship with his Project Inspire mentors. Today Igor and Milana are the parents of four children; a married daughter who covers her hair, two sons in yeshiva, and a daughter in Bais Yaakov. And, what’s more, they founded a Chabad House in the Poconos, where they spend their summers, to inspire their fellow Jews as they were inspired! Talk about payback time…

This, in a nutshell, is the power of Project Inspire, where we learn the power of a smile, a kind word, a Shabbos invite. Not only can a casual encounter transform someone’s life, but leave an impact for generations.

Rav Uri Tigger, a distinguished talmid chochom who spent many hours editing Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s seforim, brought the house down with his powerful address, depicting his background as a secular Israeli boy who knew nothing about Yiddishkeit, and who, by sheer force of his extraordinary willpower, and the support of his role models, became the gadol hador’s right hand man.

You don’t have to be a kiruv expert or highly trained to reach out to our unaffiliated fellow Jews. You can simply be a sweet, eidel eighth grade bochur at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. Just ask Yaakov Yehuda Kramer, who made a surprise appearance at the Motzoei Shabbos Grand Convention presentation.

Yaakov Yehuda made headlines last year when he studied for hours for his social studies test, because his teacher, Mr. Berger, promised to put on tefillin every day until the end of the year if he scores a 100%. The young bochur aced the test—and Mr. Berger kept his promise!

One small act, with everlasting repercussions.

There’s something unique and real about a Project Inspire convention. It isn’t only the delicious spread, or the spectacular program, showcasing mesmerizing speakers from across the globe, including Rav Nissan Kaplan, Rabbi Meir Yedid, Rebetzin Yemima Mizrachi, Rav Gav and Charlie Harary.

It’s the dedication of the attendees, ‘regular’ Jews from across the United States and beyond, who are committed to the welfare of the 73 percent, of their Jewish co-workers, neighbors, cashiers and fellow commuters on the subway.

As Rabbi Sampson expressed, “You’d think that after fourteen years, the message would be cliché, but instead it remains as fresh and relevant as ever. Somehow, the convention produces a sublime feeling that’s created when so many yidden come together, being inspired by Torah with the goal of be mekadesh Shem Shamayim. It’s an experience of ruchnius, and it’s palpable! And of course, everyone leaves asking the burning question, ‘What can I do to keep my fellow Jews closer?’ It never grows old.”

Today is the perfect moment to reach out and inspire your fellow Yid. It doesn’t require sophistication, know-how, or expert training. All it requires is a caring heart, a listening ear, and a few caring moments to transform someone’s world.

Judging by the powerful vibes emanating from the sold-out crowd of 1200 at the Armon Hotel, which was wrapped by a massive unity, community, and continuity banner addressing the theme, this groundbreaking 14th annual retreat was the start of many lifelong connections. Because, after all is said and done, “We are our Brother’s Keeper.”

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