Purim Campaign for Father of 8 with ALS

Dear Friends,

R’ Dovid has been living with ALS for more than ten years, fighting to live as a quadriplegic, on life support and only communicating with his eyes. It has not been easy, but with G-d’s help, your support, and our family’s love, he has the strength to carry on! 

Looking back, it is unbelievable that so many years have passed. In the beginning, being able to give R’ Dovid quality care at home seemed like an impossible dream, but thanks to your support that dream has come true. Thank you for partnering with G-d to make this miracle happen!


For R’ Dovid and myself, calling out to Hashem is constant. So often we find ourselves in situations which seem insurmountable, lift up our eyes in prayer and miraculously, we get through. Just the fact that so many people have opened their hearts and donated to keep R’ Dovid alive, is a sign that G-d is there and loving. We are never alone.

We are forever grateful to all of you for supporting R’ Dovid and our family. Once again, we reach out to ask that you join us on our journey by donating generously so that we can continue providing R’ Dovid with lifesaving care.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Purim!

Rochel Frid


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