Become a Partner! Support Surfside’s New Sephardic Center – Raising $1 Million in 36hrs!

The Sephardic Center
Our Heart is in the Center
Inspire. Invite. Ignite.

If you want to know where the action is in Miami, head to Surfside.  

The newest addition to the Sephardic community is an extraordinarily active, energetic, inclusive community center. The Sephardic Center opened its doors just three months ago, and the programing has been virtually non-stop. A large, enthusiastic crowd celebrated the chanukat habayit, and the Center has since held a Chanukah event, arranged a Shabbaton with Rabbi Aharon Levy, and hosted speakers such as Rabbi David Yosef, Rabbi Moshe Pinto, Rabbi Yinon Kalazn and many more. Teen programming includes weekly classes with Rabbi Maoz Tal and a teen Shabbat minyan. The Center has provided social events and learning opportunities for ladies; daily minyanim; daily and weekly classes; Thursday night mishmar – think cholent, l’chayim, music, the works – and Shabbat minyanim for over two hundred neshamot every week, complete with a lavish Sephardic kiddush and seudah shelishit. 

Rabbi Yair Massri, a young, energetic leader in the community, took the initiative to address the growing demand for a community center specifically designed for Sephardic culture to flourish. Rabbi Massri is the type who harnesses every moment to create the maximum impact. He secured a location, rallied the very people that had been petitioning to take the community to the next level, and went all-in to make this house a Sephardic home for every Jew. 

Approbations for the Sephardic Center include a star-studded list of rabbonim from Sephardic communities around the world. Rabbi Eli Mansour shalita of Brooklyn, NY, is one of the most respected leaders of Sephardic Jewry today. Rabbi Massri has met with Rabbi Mansour on many occasions, and they discussed the Sephardic Center prior to its opening in December 2022. Rabbi Mansour’s conclusion speaks volumes: “I’ve been around the world, so I know something good when I see it, and I know something even great when I see it. This is a great item here, the Rabbi. Hold on to [Rabbi Massri], stick next to him, and I have no doubt you are going to succeed.”  

Rabbi David Yosef shalita of Har Nof, Yerushalayim (son of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z”lt, the beloved former Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael), echoes Rabbi Mansour’s support. In an address to the Sepharidc Center community, Rabbi Yosef said, “You have here a very good Rabbi, Rabbi Yair Massri Shalita, […] a talmid chacham and a good leader, but [launching the Center and reaching out to other Jews is] not only his job. It’s everyone’s job! Everyone should help the Rabbi. It is up to you! […] I’m sure this is only the beginning, and BzH it will be much much more. BzH you’ll merit together with the Rav […] and be successful in bringing those that are far from the ways of Torah back to their roots, and you’ll accomplish great and wonderful things.”  

To fuel the growth of the up-and-coming community, the Sephardic Center is kicking off a crowdfunding campaign on Sunday February 26th. They have their goal set on raising $1 million in just 36 hours at These initial funds are critical for the Sephardic Center to continue to flourish.  

Locals are basking in the warmth of a homemade for Sephardim, by Sephardim, where they feel their unique culture come to life. Visitors take the passion home with them, telling their friends that this place is different – “Hey, when you’re down there next week, go check it out. You’ll see what I mean, you have to go”. 

Click Here to Donate & Help the Sephardic Center flourish!

You can reach Rabbi Massri at 917-982-6165
or [email protected] 
9524 Abbott Ave, Surfside

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