Get Ready For The Ultimate Music Extravaganza This Chol Hamoed!

Gronny and Icky Productions proudly present the Chol Hamoed Pesach 2023 Riverside Experience, featuring three of the biggest names in Jewish music – Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman, and Joey Newcomb! 

The event will be held at two different venues: the Silver Spurs Arena in Orlando, Florida on April 9th, and the Ritz Theatre in New Jersey on April 10th.

The Riverside Experience promises to be an unforgettable musical evening, with two thrilling concerts, live performances, and an impressive lineup of Jewish music talent.

This Chol Hamoed, join us with friends and family, as we rejoice in song and spirit!

The event is not just about the music; it’s also an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. The Riverside Experience is a benefit concert that aims to support the work of Zisel’s Links. Zisel’s Links provides much-needed support and services to those who have lost a parent or both parents, and the organization’s work is especially important during the holiday season.

The Riverside Experience is set to be a major highlight of the upcoming holiday season! Tickets are available now and can be purchased online at

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