With your generous donation, you can be a part of saving Chaya Shani’s life!

Sometime in the next few weeks, Chaya Shani’s mom will be sending her husband and only daughter into surgery in a desperate attempt to save their little girl’s life.

Chaya Shani is only 1½, but her liver has ceased to function. Her condition deteriorated at a terrifying rate, and she requires an urgent liver transplant in order to survive.

Her condition is critical. In the meanwhile, she’s being kept alive by heavy medication and treatments; but at any moment, she can enter multiple organ failure, and her body systems can start shutting down one after the next.

Chaya Shani’s weak body could never survive air travel, and therefore, the only transplant option available in Israel is a private living donor transplant.

Sometime in the next few weeks, Chaya Shani’s father will be giving his beloved daughter a part of his liver, but until the surgery date, he’s running from one office to the next in a desperate attempt to reduce the costs of the surgery and raise money to cover the astronomic costs.

The surgery must take place in the next few weeks if Chaya Shani is to survive, and her parents are still missing half of the sum of the downpayment to the hospital…

And in the meanwhile, Chaya Shani’s life is hanging by a thread.

Every wasted minute could cost her life…

With your modest domination, you can be part of saving Chaya Shani’s life!

Right now.

While it’s still possible. 

Before it’s too late.

Click here

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