New Book ‘The Mazkir’ Recalls the Life of Rabbi Leibel Groner

In this book, the long-hidden diaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s personal secretary for forty years, the gifted and tireless Reb Leibel Groner, give the reader an astonishing glimpse into the intense around-the-clock activity that pulsated at the nerve-center and soul-center of “770” in Brooklyn.

Those diaries, bursting with descriptions of little-known incidents and encounters that energized an amazing range of personalities around the world, are opened here for the first time.

550 pages.
“The Mazkir – The Rebbe’s Personal Secretary, Reb Leibel Groner,” Vol.1, has been released.  The new book now available in English is translated and edited by Uri Kaploun.
Now available in all Judaica stores.

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 Exclusive excerpts from the book:

“But I do know his address…”        

Every year, with the approach of Rosh HaShanah, the Rebbe would send out letters with his berachah for a good year to many and varied chassidim, as well as to many rabbanim and public figures from a wide range of circles, according to a mailing list that had been prepared by the Mazkirus.

It once happened that R. Leibel handed such a letter to the Rebbe for his signature, without knowing that the addressee had passed away during the past year.

When the Rebbe saw the name of the addressee, he said to R. Leibel: “He has passed away, and you don’t know his address – but I do know his address, and he too needs a blessing for a good year….”

Reading thoughts

The following was related by R. Ami Paikovsky.

“R. Groner once told me, ‘Whenever I used to enter the Rebbe’s room, I sensed that he was reading my thoughts.’

“A friend who was with me asked him: ‘For example?’    

“R. Groner first offered us a few LeChaims and then said: ‘One day, when I entered the Rebbe’s room, I watched as he swiftly read one letter, then immediately read another letter at such an incredible speed that I thought to myself, How does he do it?

‘While I was still thinking and the Rebbe was still reading, he turned to me and said: “While I am opening the first letter, I look to see who wrote the second letter, and begin to think what he wrote there, and prepare an answer to his question.”

Ami Paikovsky continues: “That conversation took place at the Yom-Tovtable of the Second Evening of Sukkos, when I was a regular guest at the home of R. Groner. At that point, Rebbitzin Groner joined in the conversation and added her tangible backing to what had been said. ‘One day,’ she said, ‘while I was vacuum-cleaning, a thought crossed my mind: Why can’t the Rebbe begrudge me my husband for one hour a day, so that he can help me a bit?’ Sure enough, when my husband came home that day, he said that he had a message for me from the Rebbe: Please ask your wife not to meddle in my business…’”

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